Whitehead Level Crossing and Access Ramp Improvements Project
Construction for the Whitehead Level Crossing and Access Ramp Project will begin on Saturday 12th March and will continue until Monday 21st March 2022.
In order to complete the improvement works, a 9-day closure of the current access ramp and level crossing will be required.
Pedestrians will be directed to use the pedestrian crossing adjacent to the station (near Beach Road) or via Kings Road to cross the rail lines.
Wheelchair accessible transport will also be present at the crossing throughout the 9-day closure to taxi people with limited mobility from one side of the crossing to the other while the ramp and level crossing are temporarily out of use. This will be on standby at Victoria Avenue from 6:00am – 11:45pm throughout the 9-day closure.
A weekend closure of the railway line will be required to complete the level crossing works. The closure will be from 11:00pm on Saturday 12th March to 6:00am Monday 14th March 2022. A bus substitution service will be in place to accommodate users of the Larne line during this time.
Reasonable measures will be taken to minimise any noise and disruption whilst the works are being carried out.
Further information can be found here: https://www.translink.co.uk/corporate/media/improvementsandprojects/WhiteheadLevelCrossing