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Question to the Minister of Education

Minister's Answer

There are currently seven capital projects in East Antrim awaiting completion.

The current position of these projects is as follows:


Current Position

Islandmagee Primary School

Project is in the construction stage, with completion anticipated in summer 2024.

St Killian’s College

Project is in the design stage and a revised planning application is to be submitted in the coming months.

Belfast High School

The project was announced in March 2022, however was paused in April 2023.

Carrickfergus Academy

Procurement of an Integrated Consultant Team for the project has commenced, following the re-start of the project in February 2024.

Larne Grammar School

The project was announced in March 2022, however was paused in April 2023.

Larne High School

The project was announced in March 2022, however was paused in April 2023.

Ulidia Integrated College

Project is in the construction stage with completion anticipated by the end of 2024.

Projects will continue to advance in planning and design but will only be permitted to progress to construction when affordable within the wider education budget context. As I have previously stated, it is my intention to continue to make the case for significant additional and sustained capital budget to invest right across the schools’ estate.


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