Dickson Praises Abbeyfield and Wesley Supported Sheltered Housing

East Antrim Alliance MLA, Stewart Dickson, has praised Abbeyfield and Wesley Supported Sheltered Housing.
Mr Dickson said: “Abbeyfield provides a range of housing for older people in Carrickfergus and Greenisland who require a higher level of support than provided in general housing, but not quite the level of care that is provided in care homes.
“This is a perfect setup for older adults who have been hit particularly hard by the social isolation and loneliness covid has fostered, and who have had difficulty shopping and cooking meals on their own.
“The quality of care these residential homes offer is extraordinary, with staff working hard to ensure a supportive living environment for all.
“I would encourage anyone who thinks this type of living arrangement would work for them, or for a loved one, to visit the houses either virtually or in person”.
For more information, visit: https://www.abbeyfieldandwesley.org.uk/index.html