Assembly Written Question 17684/17-22

To ask the Minister for the Economy, pursuant to AQW 17283/17-22, (i) for her assessment of the benefits of the Erasmus Programme; and (ii) whether she will explore ways to assist with, and promote, the continued participation in the programme of students at Northern Ireland universities.
Answer: I fully recognise the wide ranging benefits that individuals and institutions/organisations from Northern Ireland can secure from participation in international mobility programmes, including schemes which the Department administers and/or provides funding for such as Study USA, the International Development Fund, IAESTE (The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) and UKIERI (UK-India Education and Research Initiative), as well as the recently launched UK Turing Scheme and the Erasmus+ programme. In terms of the Irish Government’s proposals for Erasmus+ to which your question refers, these proposals are being taken forward by the Irish Government and our local universities. I expect the universities to actively promote all international mobility programmes that their students might best benefit from.