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Assembly Written Question 11783/17-22

Question: To ask the Minister for the Economy pursuant to AQW 8409/17-22, for an update on any outcomes from the joint project with the Department for Communities that has been established to consider the policy and delivery options once the current European Social Fund (ESF) projects conclude.

Answer: The joint project established with the Department for Communities, has recently been established and is making progress in a number of areas. Most recently a landscape review has been commissioned through the Strategic Investment Board (SIB) to help inform the scope and need, as well as potential options, in relation to future provision. An initial presentation on findings is due to be considered at the December meeting of the Project Board. This evidence base will help inform the Strategic Insight Lab scheduled for early 2021. Whilst funding for the programme continues until March 2022 there is a significant time constraint to complete all of the necessary steps to implement areplacement scheme. We are exploring all options to bridge any gap in provision and have been engaging with the Department of Finance on this. Officials will provide a full update to the Economy Committee in early 2021.


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