Assembly Written Question 10671/17-22

Question: To ask the Minister for the Economy whether she will consider introducing statutory bereavement pay for employees following the death of a close relative or partner.
Answer: I am committed during this Assembly mandate to bringing forward legislation for the introduction of parental bereavement leave and pay; I am not currently considering a more general right to statutory paid bereavement leave. That said, I do recognise and understand that bereavement has a detrimental impact on those suffering the loss of a loved one. Many employers already offer paid compassionate or special leave as a way of supporting staff in these circumstances and I would encourage more to do so. Even in the event of an employer not offering paid bereavement leave, all employees have a ‘day 1’ right to unpaid time off to deal with emergencies involving dependents, which includes the death of a dependent. This right extends to attending the funeral of a dependent and for arranging the funeral or making any other necessary practical arrangements. I am also aware that this issue has been raised in the UK Parliament and I have asked my officials to keep me informed of developments.